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Change Management & ONA

Provides customised and well-planned Change Program, with leadership alignment, stakeholder analysis, gap analysis and employee engagement to ensure successful business transformation and results

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Adaptability is the new superpower.

Change isn't just constant, it's intensifying - in frequency and importance. The ability to adapt to this high speed of change, at scale, is now essential to high performance.

Organisation Network Analysis (ONA) brings in the tools, techniques and solutions that can help us manage Change far more effectively than ever before.

ONA is a structured way of mapping the informal connections of individuals in an organization, informal communication channels and the relationships that traverse the organizational chart. By understanding these informal connections and information flows in an organization – the influencers, brokers, hubs and outliers – powerful dynamics can positively influence organization structure & process work, talent & leadership development, diversity & inclusion, engagement & retention, and change efforts.

Change Managers can especially benefit and be more effective in their approach for achieving employee buy-in for initiatives, through the unearthing of change influencers.

Let’s take a look at some interesting statistics:

70% of organizational change programs fail immediately. Even in the long run, only 25% of them are successful.

Average ROI of a change initiative without a robust change management program is 35%.

ROI soars to 143% - with a well-planned and executed change program - complete with leadership alignment, stakeholder analysis, gap analysis and employee engagement that leverages influencers.

Influencers are employees who are trusted sources / custodians of the informal information highway within the organisation – they reach 3 times more employees than managers do.

Organisations can achieve upto 300% ROI when we use Organisation Network Analysis (ONA) principles to ensure that all parts of the organisation are sufficiently mobilised and engaged through the Influencer Network.

How We Help

Examine the business landscape and evaluate business goals, expectations, challenges and leadership imperatives.
Identify clear goals, success measures and milestones for the change management program. Take care to also identify key success factors, employee sentiment, challenges / obstacles and plan accordingly.
Understand formal / informal organisation dynamics, map Key influencers and identify the most effective networks / mediums for information dissemination.
Identify Influences, Connectors, Experts, Broker, Energisers, Resistors and finalise specific modes of engagement, based on their willingness as follows:
- Connectors can facilitate communications
- Energizers can inspire / evangelize on behalf of the effort
- Experts can supply input and feedback on the recommended changes
- Brokers ensure inter-departmental alignment and can identify gaps
- Resisters to be provided extra attention, nurturing, and opportunities for input that may serve to convert them to change proponents
Based on ONA Survey results, we facilitate creation of the optimal Change Management Team, including Influencers that will lead the change effort across the organisation.
Facilitate workshops for the Change Management Team & Influencers, to unveil the Change management program, co-opt Influencers, co-create implementation plan, assign responsibilities, agree milestones and success metrics that can be closely monitored.
Facilitate detailed key metric-wise progress checks and course-corrections. Setup a strong Escalation Matrix to ensure a strong culture of accountability & responsibility.
Present monthly reports to management team for updating on progress as well as seeking support / guidance on key areas of interest.
Facilitate monthly dialogues between the Change Management Team & the Leadership team to ensure optimal flow of information, views and thoughts.
Will help make key decisions on organisation structure, developmental inputs, career planning and ensuring we have the right people in the right place at all times, to drive the business forward.
Identifying Key Leaders / Influencers for today & tomorrow and setting up a focused & comprehensive Coaching + Mentoring program that works on learning the right skills as well as enabling a growth mindset.

What To Expect

Bottom-line boost

Vital change initiatives for the business get done well in time, allowing the business to reinvent, stay relevant and profitable.

Employee Engagement

Higher ownership, alignment, trust and credibility between the organisation and employees.

Higher Innovation & synergy

Employees work together to produce more ideas and innovative solutions that directly influence efficiency, productivity and profitability.

Experience and Impact


higher employee engagement on critical change initiatives

Communication cost

savings due to focused efforts

80% Influencers

willingly participate and remain a very key business asset

Upto 150% Increase

in efficiency and productivity

Our Team

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