Leadership Coaching & Transformation

The best advice Eric Schmidt, Erstwhile Chairman and CEO of Google ever got was to hire an executive coach.

Initially, when board member John Doerr suggested this, Schmitt resisted because, as an experienced CEO, he didn’t think he needed a coach. But eventually, Eric became a big fan of coaching and feels that “every CEO needs a coach”. 

Leadership coaching is not about fixing something that is broken, rather it is about using a collaborative process to unleash and realize the full potential of an individual or team. To help already successful people be the best they can be!

However, how you coach and what your clients need and want greatly varies depending on your niche and ideal clients. So, what is leadership coaching and how does it differentiate from other forms of coaching?

Let's break down some differences with the most popular coaching niches right now -

Life coaching is centered around individual development and growth.

Life coaches help clients get to personal goals like achieving work-life balance, improving their relationship with loved ones, or experiencing more happiness and fulfillment in their everyday life.

Business coaching is focused on creating results in a business or entrepreneurial environment.

Business coaches help clients work with strategies and techniques to achieve goals like creating multiple revenue streams, cultivating growth and expansion, or hitting specific monthly and yearly income goals. Business coaches usually work with teams and managers.

Leadership coaching is a whole other ball game.

It's about working with high achievers and leaders - from CEO's of international corporations to ambitious entrepreneurs - to bring lasting positive, impactful change on their internal and external world, and help them achieve even higher levels of success.

Leadership Coaches help their clients experience heightened motivation, creativity, and inspiration.

A leadership coach works with clients to maximize performance and increase their leadership skills in the workplace, but their actionable guidance, advice and support regularly transforms the leader's personal life in a positive way.

Leadership coaching also stands out from all other types of coaching in one very significant way - A leadership coach creates a powerful ripple effect in the entire organization. A happy, effective, powerful and focused leader equals a happy, effective, powerful and focused team.

Executive Readiness

Leadership coaching is extremely powerful but not for everyone.  Xstrops Consulting works with clients who we believe will benefit from our coaching. The most critical factor that determines a successful outcome is the readiness of a leader to:

  • Be dedicated to move forward, to learn, to grow, to perform at their best
  • Be open to new approaches and be motivated to change
  • Be willing to solicit feedback and support from others
  • Be ready to invest time and energy in achieving the desired results.

Top Six reasons why leaders hire executive coaches

1. To Gain Perspective 

At the top of an organisation, you have a unique perspective, but it is also limited by your position of power. 

An executive coach is one of the few people that will tell you what you need to know but cannot or will not see.

Your coach can provide you objective and constructive feedback on your blind spots and provide an outside perspective on the business and your team.

2. To Make Better Decisions 

To discuss ideas that are still in the inkling stage and support you in making better decisions. 

Ideas and strategy can get wrung out and grow through discussion. We all need a sounding board and often the only people around us are impacted by the decision.

Coaching is a place to test out ideas and strategy with someone you trust and who has no vested interest or competing agenda.

 3. Transitioning to a Bigger Role 

What got you here won’t get you there. A good coach can help a leader hit the ground running in a new role. 

Past success can be a big impediment to moving up the ladder successfully as we tend to repeat what has worked in the past even though it may not be appropriate in our new role. 

Executive coaching can accelerate the transition and ensure success.

4. To Vent When Necessary 

To have a safe, secure and confidential outlet to vent when necessary. 

Pent up frustrations, anger, and disappointments impair good judgment, and relationships.

At times everyone needs a safe place where they can vent a little and to talk things out.

5. To Develop Professionally 

To stay ahead of the curve and become a better leader. 

To win, you need to continually upgrade your skills and think outside the box. 

Your coach will provide tools, training and insights that support you in playing your best game.

6. To Build a Healthy and Effective Organization 

Coaching helps you clarify what it takes for you to have a bigger, more positive impact on your organization. 

To lead change, overcome resistance and unleash the potential of all your employees.

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