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Coaching & Mentoring

Partnering business and leaders in their development journey

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We see Coaching as a process that aims to assist leaders and executives to transition, improve performance and navigate careers while focusing on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future.

Good coaches believe that the individual always has ideas and opportunities to resolve whatever is holding them back but understands that they may need help to define their goals, set their path, and achieve their success.

Coaching is about listening, reflecting, asking questions and unlocking YOUR potential.

We believe Mentoring is more development driven, looking not just at the professional’s current job function but beyond, taking a more holistic approach to career development.

Mentoring is non-evaluative, while coaching is based on measuring performance change.

Due to the personal nature of mentoring, a mentor will more often than not draw on their personal experiences and expertise to help their mentee. This could be in the form of sharing a story that taught them a valuable lesson, or a challenge they overcame in their career.

How We Help

We work with leaders who are new to a role, geography or organization.
We ensure talented individuals align career growth with organizational growth.
We assist in transition from a technical expert to a people leader.
We understand the complexities faced in coaching C-Suite Executives. We facilitate in development of leadership style and making the behavioral changes needed.
Coaching becomes an integral component of transferring the learning of a leadership program into the workplace.

What To Expect

Business boost

Successful coaching / mentoring results in higher quality decisions, enhanced performance and productivity.

Enhanced Ownership

Leaders take a 360⁰ view of the business and ensure holistic ownership and alignment of employees.

Leadership Pool

Continued focus on leader coaching / mentoring and development results in creation of a talent pool that serves the organisation for years.

Experience and Impact

95% leaders

& organisations have achieved their goals

40% decrease

in critical / key talent attrition

85% higher

level roles filled internally through people that went through our coaching / mentoring programs

Our Team

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